While reality seems to have been paused, I have struggled with feelings of work / worth.

How can I be useful in this time?

With nothing but time on my hands, I went to our factory and opened up our stock fabric library, and turned back the hands of time.

Sifting through thousands of bolts of fabric with creative prints from the last 10 years. Lot’s of memories in there, and a lot of pride for what we’ve created.

It occurred to me, that while it was fun to see them again, they were just being wasted sitting there.

Why not take something beautiful and obsolete, and creating something useful.

So we did it. Edward Scissor Hands style.
A cutting, and sewing party ensued.
I found Purpose, in Repurposing.
And there was something poetic about it :)

The end product is pretty awesome, and I am proud to have brought a little creativity to this mandatory face covered world.

They are actually Very Coachella Appropriate :( Too Soon

With Love - Eli

Prints are randomly assorted, and sold in Packs of 2 for $15 We will continue to donate a portion of proceeds from these masks & our Apres Corona Shirt to the World Health Organization.